Hjólreiðafólk ársins 2024 og lokahóf
18 November kl: 14:54Lokahóf Hjólreiðasambands Íslands var haldið í Víkinni í gær. Allir bikarmeistarar &aa
19.03 2013 22:08
Last race of the season at Nauthólsvík, 13 April! A heavy snow fall early in the week preceeding the race led to fears that the race would be abandoned or postponed
A quick dismissal of the idea followed - aside from the quick disappearance of (most) snow, if there was one thing we learnt from last year it was that you can hold a full cyclocross race whatever the conditions. And so it went, a full 20 competitors, including 5 in the womens race, lined up for the start of another 45 minutes of scrambling up hills, running through frozen snow and the odd bit of cycling.
Conditions, as indicated, were certainly affected by the snow. Though the course was basically clear along the lower part, after the aforementioned “scramble up a bank”, the upper half was beset by large chunks of frozen snow. Though partially rideable to the particularly determined, it certainly gave a chance for the more adept runners to play the advantage.
As expected, Ingvar blasted off from the gun, and by the end of lap 1 had formed a decent lead. Behind, things were not quite so predictable - Óskar was leading the chase, but closely followed by Sigurður and Bjarki. This scene was to carry on for the majority of the race; gradually Sigurdur dropped behind Bjarki, and Bjarki ate into Óskar’s slim advantage, eventually overhauling him a few laps from the end. Sigurður dropped out of contention for the podium placing, but held off a quickening Steinar. Ingvar was never troubled, finishing 2min ahead of Bjarki, the only other competitor to remain on the same lap. Karen was a resounding winner in the womens race, finishing 9th overall.
Elsewhere it was mostly personal battles - despite the short nature of cyclocross, there is little respite from the pain, right from the gun. The 6th round on a revised Nauthólsvík course will be your last opportunity this season to experience it - you do not need a cyclocross bike to compete, mountain bikes are also allowed. In fact, if you do have a CX bike, you are required to be there! Enter here, no excuses - see you at Nauthólsvik, 13. April!
Full results can be found here
Standings in the series can be found here
David James Robertson
Síðast breytt þann 19. March 2013 kl: 22:09 af David James Robertson
Lokahóf Hjólreiðasambands Íslands var haldið í Víkinni í gær. Allir bikarmeistarar &aa
Sunnudaginn 17. nóvember n.k. fer fram lokahóf Hjólreiðasambands Íslands í Víkinni,Traðarlandi 1,
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